If you’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to make your calorie deficit for weight loss easier, then you’ve come to the right place.
Look, I get it.
You hear it from every fitness influencer and coach all over the internet:
“The only way to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit.”
If you’re read any of my other articles or seen any of my social media posts, then you’ve heard me say it a million times as well.
But, here’s the truth.
If just telling people to eat less and move more was enough to move the needle, we wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic here in the United States.
So, while educating you on how weight loss actually happens is important, it’s not ALL that’s important.
I want to give you practical tips on how to actually make that calorie deficit for weight loss easier.
So that you don’t have to keep spinning your wheels while struggling to lose weight.
And that’s exactly why I’m writing this article for you.
I want to get as practical about this topic as possible so you know exactly what you need to do on a day-to-day basis to make weight loss suck less.
All I ask in return is one small favor.
Make sure to read this entire article from start to finish.
No skimming around.
Because, by the end of it, you’ll be well-equipped with everything you need to know about how to make your calorie deficit for weight loss easier.
Alright, let’s dive right into it.
How To Make A Calorie Deficit For Weight Loss Easier: What Even Is A Calorie Deficit?

Before we get into the specific tips on how to make a calorie deficit for weight loss easier, I need to first define what a calorie deficit actually is.
A calorie deficit is just when you eat fewer calories than you burn.
That’s it.
It’s really that simple.
So, practically speaking, let’s say you’re somebody who burns 2,000 calories a day.
And, by the way, you burn calories from literally everything you do.
Everything from brushing your teeth, taking a shower, twiddling your thumbs, digesting food, walking to your car, and just being alive.
EVERYTHING burns calories.
And, let’s say in your case, everything you do adds up to a total of 2,000 calories burned a day.
If you consistently eat less than that, so let’s say 1,500 calories a day, you will be in a calorie deficit.
A calorie deficit is NOT a diet.
A calorie deficit is just physics. It’s just the term used to describe consuming fewer calories than you expend.
Any diet, whether it’s keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, calorie counting, etc works because it’s designed to put you in calorie deficit.
Think about it like this: a calorie deficit is the umbrella term that describes how you lose weight, whereas the specific “diet” that you follow is the strategy that you’re using to get into that deficit.
Hope that makes sense.
The “Secret” To A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Before diving into more of the specifics on how to make your calorie deficit for weight loss easier, I want to preface everything I’m about to say.
I’m going to give you five main tips (plus a couple bonus tips) on how to make your weight loss journey easier.
And, with a lot of what I’m about to talk about, you’re going to notice a theme.
Most of the tips that I’m going to give you are centered around how to control and mitigate your hunger.
And there’s a very deliberate reason for that.
The “secret” to weight loss that everyone is always searching for isn’t a pill or a supplement or a special “belly fat torching” workout.
The “secret” to weight loss is trying to stay as full as possible while in your calorie deficit.
Because, the more full and satisfied you feel, the less sticking to your calorie guidelines feels like a chore.
Essentially, the goal is to make the process of staying in a calorie deficit as effortless as possible.
It doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy, because trying to lose weight never is.
But there are some things you can do to make the process less hard.
And that’s exactly what I’m about to discuss in detail.
How To Make A Calorie Deficit For Weight Loss Easier: 5 Practical Tips
Make sure to read each of the following sections in detail, because I’m about to go in-depth on some of the specifics of how to make your calorie deficit easier.
#1: Eat A High Protein Breakfast

There’s one common complaint that I get all the time from people who are in a calorie deficit for weight loss.
Most people say that they get super hungry as the day goes on.
Especially at night.
Why does this happen?
Well, it’s likely because you’re not enough enough throughout the day.
See, even if you’re not as hungry at breakfast or lunch, it’s not always a good idea to skip those meals entirely.
Because doing so often leaves you feeling famished at night.
Essentially, choosing not to eat as much during the day creates this sort of “built up hunger” that plagues you late at night.
So, what’s the solution?
Well, I love the idea of eating a high protein, filling breakfast everyday.
Now, this concept of eating a “bigger” breakfast might sound a bit counterintuitive to you.
Mainly because intermittent fasting (deliberately not eating breakfast) has become so popular and mainstream in the fitness space.
And while I do like it for some individuals, too many people end up getting super hungry at night as a byproduct of restricting food in the morning.
Which, obviously, is not what you want.
The goal is to GET AHEAD of unwanted hunger in the evening.
And that’s where protein can really help you.
Out of the three macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fats), protein is by far the most filling.
So, by emphasizing it early in the day, you’re sort of “getting ahead” of any potential hunger you might experience later on.
Let Me Introduce You To One Of My Clients…
This tip was a game changer for one of my weight loss coaching clients, Joe.
I’ll put a picture of his transformation here below.

Prior to working with me, Joe didn’t have much of a plan for his nutrition.
Which makes sense. He’s a doctor, so work is his main priority and he spends most of his time with his patients.
When we started working together, he told me how hungry he’d get in the afternoon and at night.
So I had him eat a high protein breakfast to make hitting his calories easier.
He ended up opting for a super high protein concoction for breakfast.
Essentially, he would mix a scoop of protein powder in with a serving of Greek Yogurt.
And maybe throw some berries on top for some additional fiber.
He ate that all the time for breakfast and it ended up filling him up with a low calorie meal in the morning.
That tip of eating a high protein breakfast played a big role in his ability to lose 20lbs in 12 weeks!
Some High Protein Breakfast Ideas
In addition to the protein powder greek yogurt combination that I just mentioned, I figured I’d give you a few more ideas for high protein breakfast options.
There are only so many options when it comes to high protein breakfast foods, so here are a few of the staples that my clients and I love.
Eggs & Egg Whites

Not only do eggs pack A TON of nutrients, but they are also a great way to get a lot of protein in your breakfast.
One whole egg has about 70 calories and 6g of protein.
One egg white has about 20-25 calories and 5g of protein.
To keep the overall calories of your breakfast on the lower side, I recommend having either just egg whites, or a couple whole eggs AND a few egg whites.
Here’s an example of what that meal could look like:
- 1-2 whole eggs
- 3-4 servings of egg whites (you can just buy liquid egg whites to make it easier)
- 1-2 slices of a lower calorie toast (Dave’s Killer Bread is a great option)
- 1 serving of Greek Yogurt with some berries on top
Protein Oatmeal

I’ve had multiple clients tell me that mixing a packet of oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder is a game changer for them.
It’s a great way to up your oatmeal game by making it higher in protein.
Here’s a great way to make protein oatmeal to make it nutrient-dense and high in fiber:
- 1 packet of oatmeal
- 1 scoop of protein powder of your choice
- 1-2 tbsp of chia seeds and some berries
Protein Shake

If your mornings are hectic and you need a quick and easy way to get protein in, mixing a scoop of your favorite protein powder with some water is a great option.
This is a super easy way to get a quick 20-25g of protein in early on in the day.
Most people tend to opt for a whey protein powder.
But, if you want a slower-digesting option that might fill you up a bit more, you can go with a casein protein powder instead.
One isn’t necessarily better than the other, but generally speaking, whey protein tends to digest at about 10g per hour whereas casein protein tends to digest at about 2-3g per hour.
Foods that are slower digesting tend to fill you up a bit more.
Just something to be aware of as another way to help you stay even more full.
#2: Get More Fiber In Your Diet

Fiber is something that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough in the fitness industry.
Everyone, including myself, loves to talk about the importance of prioritizing protein for staying full in a calorie deficit for weight loss.
And, as you can tell from everything you just read, I still believe that very very much.
That said, prioritizing fiber is just as if not more important.
In large part due to its many health benefits.
Everything from lowering your risk of certain cancers, a lower risk of heart disease, improving digestive health, and helping to regulate blood sugar levels.
Just to name a few.
Why Fiber Helps With Weight Loss
Not only is fiber critical for your health, but it also can make your weight loss journey substantially easier.
To put it simply, fiber is VERY filling. Like very, very filling.
Part of what fiber does is slow down the digestive process.
Which leaves you feeling much more satisfied for several hours after you finish eating those bigger meals with a good amount of fiber in them.
And, when you center your meals around both protein and fiber, well let’s just say that’s the ultimate recipe for feeling extremely satisfied after your meals.
Which, like I mentioned earlier, is one of if not the biggest keys to a successful and sustainable weight loss journey.
Some general fiber recommendations that I give are 20-30 grams per day for women and 30-40 grams per day for men.
Below I’ll give you a list of some foods that are high in fiber
Foods That Are High In Fiber

- raspberries (8g per cup)
- blackberries (8g per cup)
- apples (4.5g per 1 medium)
- carrots (3g per cup)
- avocado (10g per medium)
- chia seeds (10g per 1oz)
- black beans (15g per cup)
- broccoli (3g per cup)
- oatmeal (4g per cup)
- sweet potatoes (4g per cup)
- popcorn (3.6g per 1oz)
The Easiest Way To Get More Fiber In Your Diet
Aside from including those types of foods in your diet (along with many others that are also high in fiber), there is one thing that you can eat daily to make getting more fiber in your diet effortlessly.
And that is eating a big salad every single day.

This is has several benefits.
First, it allows you to get a relatively low calorie meal in on a consistent basis.
Which will make it much easier to hit your calories.
Also, having a big salad is a great way to pack a ton of fiber into one meal, which can then help keep you full for several hours after.
Not to mention, it’s a great way to take the decision fatigue out of nutrition for weight loss.
By having a big salad for lunch (or another meal) most days, it’s one less decision that you need to make about what to eat.
And the less thinking you have to do about what to eat to hit your calories, the easier your calorie deficit for weight loss becomes.
So it’s a win-win-win situation.
You get an easy-to-make low calorie meal that requires very little mental energy to make that will also leave you satisfied and less likely to overeat later on.
Can’t ask for much more than that!
An Easy Way To Make Your Big Salad

When putting together this salad, it doesn’t need to be fancy.
A few basic ingredients is all you need to make it work:
- either buy a pre-made salad kit or a bag of mixed greens
- add in some shredded chicken or another protein source
- throw in some more veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc
- then add some dressing on top (don’t overthink the calories from the dressing, just make sure you don’t drench the entire salad in it and you should be good)
Eat High Fiber Carb Sources
Another way to increase your fiber intake is to opt for carb sources that are higher in fiber.
Here are a few ways to do that:

- High fiber tortillas for lunch wraps (Carb Balance Tortillas and Xtreme Wellness Tortilla Wraps are a couple great options)
- Oatmeal as a carb source for breakfast
- Sweet Potatoes
- Popcorn as a snack (especially if you’re craving something at night)
#3: Have Big, Hearty Meals So You Snack Less
This is another tip that might sound counterintuitive on the surface but actually makes a ton of sense when you really think about it.
See, a lot of people complain about how hard it is to stop snacking when trying to lose weight.

These people will often talk about how hungry they feel while in a calorie deficit for weight loss.
And while some hunger in a deficit is completely normal and expected, it’s important to highlight the various ways that you can control that hunger.
So you can be in control of your calorie deficit rather than the calorie deficit having control over you.
Why Bigger Meals Are So Important
When these people tell me how difficult it is to stop snacking all the time, the first question I always ask them is : “What do your meals look like?”.
The next thing I know, they’re telling me that they essentially eat like a bird for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
No wonder you can’t stop snaking!
If you eat bigger, hearty meals like some of the ones I’ve already mentioned, they will likely take 2,3,4+ hours to digest.
Especially when they’re high in both fiber and protein.
Which should keep you very satisfied in between meals.
And, if you are ever hungry for a snack in between meals, go for something high protein like a protein shake or a protein bar.
Or something with fiber like popcorn.
Or something high in both protein and fiber like Quest Bars.
#4: Stop Drinking Your Calories (Or At Least Drastically Reduce Liquid Calories)

Being in a calorie deficit is hard enough as it is.
By drinking your calories, you’re making being in a deficit ten times harder.
Here’s why.
I guarantee that you care WAY more about food than you do beverages.
Remember, by definition, being in a calorie deficit involves eating fewer calories than you normally do on a consistent basis.
So, to make that just a bit easier, it’s a good idea to reduce liquid calories so you have more calories to work with when it comes to actual food that’ll fill you up more.
High calorie drinks are essentially “empty calories” in that they don’t really fill you up at all.
Reducing your intake of beverages like soda, juice, alcohol, and even those high calorie coffees that you love getting from Starbucks everyday on your way to work can make a huge difference.
And, by the way.
I’m not saying that you need to only drink water.
Sure, you’ll probably want water to make up a large percentage of what you drink.
But, when you do decide to drink other beverages, you can opt for lower calorie substitutions that make hitting your calories much easier.
Let me go over some examples.
Lower Calorie Drink Substitutions

You can opt for diet soda instead of regular soda (this can save you hundreds of calories a day if you’re a regular soda drinker).
One 12oz can of Coke has 140 calories. One 12oz can of Diet Coke has 0 calories.
I’m no mathematician, but that’s VERY significant in the grand scheme of things.
While I’m not advocating for a ton of soda consumption, that calorie difference can be a game changer for a lot of people.

You can drink your coffee black instead of getting those high calorie concoctions that many coffee shops offer.
Not to mention, making your coffee at home can save you a ton of money.
Realistically, you don’t even need to drink your coffee black for it to easily fit into your calories.
A splash of non-fat milk or a bit of half and half plus an equal isn’t going to “break the calorie bank.”
But high calorie coffees loaded with sugar will.

I could probably write an entire article on how alcohol impacts weight loss.
Actually, I probaly will in the future.
But for now, just know that limiting your alcohol consumption is huge for a successful weight loss journey.
There are many reasons for this, but here are a couple big ones:
- Reducing your alcohol intake is extremely beneficial for your overall health, especially over the long run.
- By reducing your alcohol consumption, you’re reducing your overall calories. Not only from the alcohol itself but also all of the food that typically comes along with it in social settings (Especially the high calorie food. Because, when you drink, it’s usually not carrots and celery that you’re eating along with it).
If you do drink, try to limit it to 1-2 drinks for that night.
And, try to keep the drinks lower calorie.
For example, go with drinks like light beer, seltzers, vodka soda, tequila soda, etc.
Try to avoid high calorie drinks with sugary mixers.
#5: Get More Steps In To Have More Leeway With You Nutrition

This is one of the easiest and most practical strategies for making your calorie deficit for weight loss easier.
And it often gets overlooked.
First, before you ask, yes, walking does count as exercise.
ESPECIALLY given just how sedentary most of our jobs our nowadays.
Not only is there research showing a direct correlation between higher step counts and longer life spans (I’ll link that research right here).
But walking is hands down the easiest way to burn more calories and increase your metabolism.
Why Steps Are Key For Weight Loss
Think about it like this.
If getting 10,000 steps a day allows you to burn an additional 200-400 calories, don’t you think the likelihood of you being in a calorie deficit will be much higher?
Because, while nutrition is really the main driver of fat loss, you can view steps as sort of an “insurance policy.”
It can make being in a calorie deficit a bit easier, especially on those days where you’re not 100% dialed in with your nutrition.
Because, remember, there’s two sides to the calorie deficit equation: how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn.
And while exercise won’t burn a ton of calories, increasing your step count is a low intensity, easy-to-implement way of increasing your activity level for some additional calories burned.
And, from my coaching experience, I can tell you this.
99.9% of my successful clients in my online weight loss coaching program get AT LEAST 7,000-8,000 steps a day.

Having a high step count can also be incredibly helpful for smaller individuals that would otherwise have to eat really low calorie diets to be in a deficit.
Once you can no longer continue to decrease calories, increasing your activity via steps is a great tool for helping to create a calorie deficit.
Two Honorable Mentions
There are two other important things to prioritize to make your calorie deficit for weight loss easier.
And I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least briefly mention them, so I’ll discuss them both as briefly as I can.

Sleep is incredibly important for many reasons, many of which I’m sure you’re already well aware of.
But sleep plays an important role in something that tends to get overlooked by a lot of people.
Trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep as consistently as possible helps to regulate your hunger hormones.
Particularly ghrelin (our main hunger hormone) and leptin (our main fullness/satiety hormone).
Trust me, you want to keep these hormones regulated.
Because, when you do, being able to stick to your calorie target on a regular basis becomes infinitely less challenging.
With that being said, let’s say you’re a parent of young children.
So consistently getting 7 hours of sleep isn’t really in the cards for you.
In that case, my biggest tip is to try to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than you currently are.
Maybe a little bit less scrolling on your phone before going to bed.
Every extra bit of sleep helps with managing hunger.
Eat Something You Enjoy Every Week
At the end of the day, being in a calorie deficit is far from easy.
There’s no two ways about it.
With that being said, a BIG reason why so many people quit their weight loss journey is because they’re being overly restrictive with their nutrition.
Giving yourself a “fun meal” once a week can drastically increase adherence and make it less likely that you’ll go clinically insane.
Which, is kind of good for sustainability.
Remember, successful weight loss doesn’t mean being perfect with your nutrition.
Even if results take a bit longer, having a more sustainable approach makes it less likely that you’ll “fall off the wagon.”
Because, if you quit, you’re definitely not making progress.
Being consistent with your calories 80-90% of the time is WAY BETTER than being 100% perfect with them for the first week but then quitting because you realized that it wasn’t sustainable.

Just something to be mindful of when thinking about the nutrition side of your weight loss journey.
How To Make A Calorie Deficit For Weight Loss Easier: Closing Thoughts
There you have it!
The top 5 ways to make a calorie deficit for weight loss easier (plus a few bonus ones).
I hope you were able to learn a thing or two in this article. Especially when it comes to the nutrition side of weight loss.
If you have any questions feel free to drop them below or reach out to me on Instagram and I’d be happy to help.
And feel free to share this article with someone you know who needs to hear this information.
If you’d like individualized help and someone to take all of the guesswork out of your weight loss journey, you can apply to my 1-on-1 online coaching program right here.
We’ll talk soon!
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